A stellar university experience

*************************************************************************** This is the English version of our blog article from 30 September 2019. Translation by Vera Oberhauser (5aR). *************************************************************************** At the beginning of the 2019/2020 school year, three students of the astronomy group were given the very special opportunity to undertake an internship at the university observatory in Munich. Dr. Arno Riffeser, who was born in Eppan and is a very dear friend of our astronomy group took Pauline, Dominik and Vera under his wings and granted them an insight into the world of an astrophysicist. Vera describes this five day adventure in the following report. Once again, September was just around the corner which for a lot of us meant back to school season. Before we let that happen though, some students of our astronomy group went out into the field! Pauline (Matura 2019), Dominik (5dR) and Vera (5aR) set off for Mun...